Frafdude here. Today for all you beginning players, we will discuss battlegear.
Battlegears can help a creature in battle, give it more abilities, up your supply of mugic counters, and support your whole army. At the beginning of a game, battlegears start facedown unless it says ," Reveal this battlegear at the beginning of the game. " As you know, this is how a game is set up:
1 2 3
4 5
Here is a battlegear that might go on a creature in slots 1, 2, or 3:
As you see, this battlegear ups a creature's stats and energy.
Hereis a battlegear that might go on a creature in slots 4, 5, or 6:
As you can see, this battlegear ups your mugic supply and is revealed at the start of the game.
Reasons you want a supporting creature's gear face up is because a battlegear has no effect face down and the only way to flip it up is with abilities, mugic, or for the creature to become engaged, but of course you all know that most support abilities cost mugic and almost every mugic costs mugic ( yes there are 0 cost mugics).
Untill next time- Frafdude