Fraf here. So if you wanted to know what happend to my AU review, I have a draft of the underworld one I'm working on. But for now, I'd like to show you a deck with a ranted underworld creature.
Everyone hates him, I hate him and I'm all for the underworld! But, I'm gonna give him a chance. Well, hers the deck. Oh, and note that you'll find most of the creatures i'm talkin about here->
1. Kiru: burithean axe
2. Ketacc: evergreen tunic
3. Kiru: burithean axe
4. ragetrod: bronzeflight
5. skithia GS: mipedian balladeer's flute
6. akillbi:mipedian balladeer's flute
x2 searing symphony
x2cadence clash
x2 arment adagio
x2 ash torrent
x2 force strike
x2 consuming flame
x2 inferno claws
x2 petrifying power
x2 smoke surge
x2 firearm
x2 incinerase
x2 web cocoon
x2 matagore
x2 forest of life DA
x2 cordac falls plungepool
x2 rockriver canyon
x2 the pits
x2 underworld city
strategy: don't let akillbi die or else.
please rate