Hey guys. I'm really sorry for missing 2 cotw's. I'm making it up to you with a deck that I found quite good.
1. Tabaal/Lightning Canister
2. Nimmei/ Ulmar's Projector
3. Ambolx/WEV
4. Illexia/WEV
5. Nimmei/Scepter of Infernal Parasite
6. Makrabon/ MBF
2 Cadence Clash
1 Deep Dirge
1 Strain of Infection
1 RoD (Danian)
1 Void Dirge
1 Megaroar (4bp)
2 Fearless Strike (8bp)
2 Streak Strike (10bp)
2 Hammer Dash (12bp)
2 Ghost Gouge (14bp)
2 Marksman's Prep (16bp)
2 Rust Toxic (18bp)
1 Mineral Mayhem (19bp)
1 Twister of Elements (20bp)
2 Shadow Strike
2 Evaporize
1 Aftermath Feint
2 Bodal's Arsenal
2 Mipedim Mirage
2 Mount Pillar
2 Brawler's Burrow
2 Ra'opa Sahkk Chimegrid (however it's spelled...)
Now, you're probably groaning. You've seen this deck before, or have you. The inclusion of Ulmar's Projector and Bodal's Arsenal is new. The main point of those 2 cards is to retrieve your scepter after Nimmei goes down. If you go first, Fight with your front Nimmei. If he wins, great. If he loses, just return him to the field. Now you're saying, "But if the opponent goes first, Nimmei won't be able to revive because I won't have any open spaces!" Tabaal fixes this by sacrificing himself for an open space.
You see, it's all thinking deep enough to create synergy.