Barrath is probably the least used out of all the Forged Unity generals, and for a good reason. The price to activate his abilities are the sacrifices of your own teammates, though each of these abilities are quite good in their own rights. Barrath is a super, so he's not extremely easy to obtain. He's also legendary, which means you can't use the other generals with him. But if you're willing to overcome his steep prices, you'll be able to find the single most powerful general of the four, well, at least when Tangath Toborn doesn't have a Mipedian by his side.
Strategies and game play:
Barrath's stats by themselves are usual for an Underworlder. He has high power, good speed, and fire and
air, along with good energy. These all make up for a very good front line fighter. To make the most use out of his abilities though will require more devotion to the general himself. You can stick a general's standard on one of your creatures to give them double duty for Barrath. More good cardd to use would be Vidav, Master Strategist and The Northrange, as they can both can change creatures' tribes. My favorite way to use him is to give him a Mandiblor Crown and put Makanaz's and Ivelaan's in my deck so that whenever I sacrifice my creatures, I get big energy and stat boosts.
Ways to counteract it:
Instead of going head first into Barrath Beyond, you can go for the surrounding creatures so that he has no fuel for his abilities.You can also se Trills of Diminution while one of your creatures are engaged with Barrath. As for the compost strategy, you can either destroy the Mandiblor Crown or remove the dead Danians from the game.
Good stats for an Underworld combatant
Elements to expand the attack deck
An ability that is very easy to manipulate as long as you are willing to devote cards to it
No Mugic Counters
His ability relies on sacrificing creatures.
Without his abilities, some of the stronger fighters can overpower him
Artwork and Aesthetics:
In my opinion, his sickness level went up an insane amount compared to his previous artwork. His head is surrounded by flames, which is awesome, and his armor looks beautiful. In his left hand, he's holding a helmet, or at least I think he is. I'm assuming that the helmet is from a fallen ally who sacrificed himself to his general, a very noble way to die.
Overall Rating:
The Underworld General is a bit pricey all over, but if you are willing to build your deck around him, he'll do wonders; I'm a witness to them. Because the sacrifice of creatures is still a high price, I give Barrath Beyond, Underworld General a 7/10.
And yes, this is how I'll be formatting my review from now on. Have a good day whoever is reading!
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