Thursday, August 27, 2009


AWESOME... right?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Well, inever told any of my friends about this deck i have always been dreaming of. It's 1 vs. 1.

Khorror: mugician's lyre


trills of diminuition

x2 reactive resolution
x2 marksman's preperation
x2 charge of the brave
x2 acceleration
x2 poison sphere
x2 daunting bravery
x2 shadow strike
x2 velocitrap
x2 spirit gust
x2 shriek shock


x2 brawler's burrow's
x2 the hive gallery
x2 broken edge
x2 mipedim oasis
x2 illusionary lake

Main strategy:

Sacrifice mugician's lyre to give khorror 1 mugic counter so that he may play trills of diminuition on himself.

Please rate


Monday, August 17, 2009

Building a deck: Mugic

Frafdude here. Today, we'll talk about Mugic.

Mugic is a mix of magic and music. creatures in chaoitc cast mugic by paying mugic counters.
Mugic counters

Also, there are some mugics that can only be cast by certain tribes.

Most mugic also have a cost and as I said before, YES! There are mugic that cost 0 counters. Back to costs. some can cost more than 1 counter, so a creature with 1 counter cannot cast a 2 counter cost mugic.

That's all for now


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

For all of you to know

All the cards I will be showing you for the " Building a deck" series will be rare and under.
This means all the cards i will show you should be fairly easy to get.

- Frafdude

Building a deck: Battlegear

Frafdude here. Today for all you beginning players, we will discuss battlegear.

Battlegears can help a creature in battle, give it more abilities, up your supply of mugic counters, and support your whole army. At the beginning of a game, battlegears start facedown unless it says ," Reveal this battlegear at the beginning of the game. " As you know, this is how a game is set up:

1 2 3
4 5

Here is a battlegear that might go on a creature in slots 1, 2, or 3:

As you see, this battlegear ups a creature's stats and energy.

Hereis a battlegear that might go on a creature in slots 4, 5, or 6:

As you can see, this battlegear ups your mugic supply and is revealed at the start of the game.
Reasons you want a supporting creature's gear face up is because a battlegear has no effect face down and the only way to flip it up is with abilities, mugic, or for the creature to become engaged, but of course you all know that most support abilities cost mugic and almost every mugic costs mugic ( yes there are 0 cost mugics).

Untill next time- Frafdude